About Detoxification
of the Program
The detoxification protocol is fully described in L. Ron Hubbard’s
book, "Clear Body Clear Mind." Click
here to purchase this book online (from Barnes and Noble).
Click here for a brief summary of the elements of Mr. Hubbard's
Publication Archives
following archive
offers an introduction to the variety of studies and other writings
relating to the applications of detoxification.
to availability, reprints of peer-reviewed papers may be provided
at no cost to members of the Academy, non-profit organizations, public
interest groups, or others with a professional interest in
detoxification. To make such a request, or for inquiries,
send an e-mail to: info@detoxacademy.org
Documents are presented in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.

Third International Conference
on Chemical Contamination and Human Detoxification
Hunter College, New York, 2005
Abstracts of some of the key papers presented at an international
meeting at which scientists and researchers from the US, Europe and Asia
reviewed the findings of recent detoxification research and evaluation
Evgeny Parshkov, MD
In the 1990s, more than 150 men and women affected by exposures to
radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster completed the Hubbard
detoxification program. Several research projects were conducted on this
population and detailed medical information was collected regarding a
number of these cases. Dr. Parshkov, of the Medical Radiological
Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, presented
findings of a recently completed research project that compared the
long-term health of individuals who completed detoxification to a
Chernobyl-exposed control group.
Click here
Jonnie Rachinow, MD
The September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center resulted in
unprecedented releases of toxic chemicals. This presentation reviewed
what has been learned from the detoxification of more than 500
individuals exposed during the rescue and recovery operations.
Click here
David Root, MD
From pesticides and experimental vaccinations to oil
fires, chemical weapons and depleted uranium shell casings, those who
serve in war zones face increasing numbers of toxins. Detoxification has
brought relief to those suffering from these exposures.
Click here.
Kathleen Kerr, MD
An extensive literature review gives new insights into
the biochemical impact of specific substances of
abuse and the role of nutrients in drug rehabilitation.
Click here.
First International Conference on Chemical Contamination and
Human Detoxification,
Los Angeles, California, 1995
Extracts from the proceedings of an
International Conference
which brought together writers, researchers, treatment specialists,
government officials, drug rehabilitation specialists and physicians
from more than 15 countries.
E. Root, M.D., MPH, Conference Chair
Click here.
Marcus, Ph.D., D.A.B.T
Click here.
Detoxification: An Overview
Chemically Exposed
Workers and Detoxification
Click here.
Implementation of the
Detoxification Program
Click here.
Case Histories and Future Perspectives
Click here.
Histories: The Impact of the Detoxification Program
Click here.
A Review of Scientific Literature Supporting the Detoxification Method
Developed by L. Ron Hubbard
Click here.
Click here.
Second International
Conference on Chemical Contamination and Human Detoxification, Stockholm,
Sweden, 1997
At the heart of this second international meeting were
presentations by a large delegation of scientists and researchers from
Russia and Kazakhstan.
The Chernobyl
Disaster: Global Impact
Anatoly F. Tsyb, M.D., Ph.D., Academician, Director, Medical Radiological Research Center,
Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Obninsk, Russia. Click
here for excerpts.
Abstracts of Research Papers
Biochemical Spectrum Of Blood Serum After Detoxification
Treatment: A. M. Diakova, Ph.D., I. K. Tlepshukov, Ph.D., Medical Radiological Research Center,
Obninsk, Russia. Click here for abstract.
Detoxification Process Peculiarities in
Kazakhstan: R.S. Zhaparkhanova, MD, B.A. Ospanova, MD, Center of Detoxification of Kazakhstan.
Click here for abstract.
Evaluation of Parameters of Cs-137 Elimination and Their Modification during the Detoxification Program
in Residents of Post-Chernobyl Contaminated Territories:
A. E. Kondrashov, Ph.D., D.V. Petin, Ph.D., Medical Radiological Research Center,
Obninsk, Russia, J. G. Barnes, Certified Health Physicist, Foundation for Advancement in Science and Education,
Los Angeles, California, USA. Click here for abstract.
Response Of Thyroid System to Detoxification Treatment
in Persons, Living in Contaminated Territories of Bryansk Oblast:
E. M. Parshkov, MD, G. M. Symakova, Ph.D., S. F. Trofimova, Ph.D., I. V. Semenkova, Ph.D, N. V.
Bocharova, Ph.D., Medical Radiological Research Center, Obninsk, Russia. Click
here for abstract.
Dynamics Of Immune System Parameters During Detoxification Treatment:
B. P. Surinov, MD, V. G. Isaeva, Ph.D., Medical Radiological Research Center,
Obninsk, Russia. Click here for abstract.
Thyroid Disorders - The Most Obvious And Pronounced Health Effect Of The Chernobyl Radiological Disaster:
E.M.Parshkov, A.F.Tsyb, V.A.Sokolov, V.V.Shakchtarin, I.V.Chebotareva, Medical Radiological Research Center of Russian Academy of Medical
Sciences, Obninsk, Russia.
here for abstract.
Additional Papers
of a Chernobyl Affected Population Using a Detoxification Method
From the proceedings of the 1998 International Radiological Post-Emergency
Response Issues Conference. Sponsor: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
A review of the use of the
detoxification program to treat 24 males ages 20-40 who were long-term
residents of areas contaminated by radiation.
here to read this document.
Before the Presidential Oversight Board for Department of Defense
Investigations of Gulf War Chemical & Biological Incidents
Testimony by David Root, M.D., M.P.H. (Colonel, ret. USAF)
regarding the successful use of detoxification to address the complaints
of veterans suffering from the so-called "Gulf War Syndrome."
(With appendices.)
to read this document.
of a Detoxification Regimen for Fat Stored Xenobiotics. Medical
Vol. 9 (1982)
scientific evaluation of the Hubbard detoxification procedure; one
hundred and three individuals underwent detoxification and volunteered to
undergo additional physical and psychological tests. Participants had been
exposed to recreational and medical drugs, patent medicines, occupational
and environmental chemicals.
here to read this document.
Body Burden
Reductions of PCBs, PBBs and Chlorinated Pesticide Residues in Human
Subjects, Ambio, Vol. 13, No. 5-6
A report on the successful detoxification of seven individuals
accidentally exposed to PBB. Four months later, a post-treatment follow-up
sample was taken to determine the nature of the reductions.
here to read this document.
and Treatment of Patients Presenting Subclinical Signs and Symptoms of
Exposure to Chemicals Which Accumulate in Human Tissue. Proceedings of
the National Conference on Hazardous Wastes and Environmental Emergencies,
Cincinnati, Ohio
A discussion some of the problems in attempting to diagnose and
treat low-level body burdens of toxic chemicals. A review of 120 patients
who were prescribed detoxification treatment as developed by Hubbard to
eliminate fat-stored compounds showed improvement in 14 of 15 symptoms
associated with several types of chemical exposures.
here to read this document.
Excretion of
a Lipophilic Toxicant Through the Sebaceous Glands: A Case Report, Journal
of Toxicology—Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology, Vol. 6, No. 1
A report detailing the case of a 23-year-old woman who worked at
a manufacturing facility. She became unable to work after seven months and
was off work for 11 1/2 months because of toxic chemical exposure
symptoms. The toxicants were removed by the Hubbard detoxification
technique. This was accompanied by remission of her complaints and she was
authorized to return to work.
here to read this document.
Environmental and Public Health in Semic: A Case Study of Polychlorinated
Biphenyl (PCB) Pollution, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the
American Society of Civil Engineers, New Orleans, Louisiana, October
A twenty-one page report on the detoxification of eleven workers
with readily observable symptoms of exposure to PCBs and other chemicals.
Thirteen other workers served as a control group. Detoxification treatment
reduced both the body burdens and the symptoms of treated workers while no
such improvements occurred in the control group. This study supports the
use of health screening and detoxification for individuals affected by
toxic exposures.
here to read this document.
Dysfunction in Firemen Exposed to Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs):
Possible Improvement after Detoxification, Archives of Environmental
Health, Vol. 44, No. 6
Fourteen firemen were exposed to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
and their by-products at the site of a transformer fire and explosion. A
control group of firefighters was selected from firemen from the same
city. Initial testing showed that firemen exposed to PCBs had poorer
neurobehavioral function than the control group. Significant reversibility
of impairment was noted after detoxification.
here to read this document.
Reduction and Clinical Improvement by Detoxification: An Unexploited
Approach? Human and Experimental Toxicology, Vol. 9
A female worker from a capacitor factory, with a history of
exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and other lipophilic
industrial chemicals, was admitted for treatment at the University Medical
Centre of Ljubljana, Slovenia (then Yugoslavia). She had severe symptoms.
Detoxification reduced her symptoms.
here to read this document.
Reduction and Clinical Improvements in Capacitor Workers: A Feasible
Method, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Vol. A 25, No.
Eleven capacitor workers, occupationally exposed to PCBs and
other industrial chemicals, underwent detoxification. Thirteen co-workers
served as controls. Following detoxification, all patients
reported marked improvement in clinical symptoms post-treatment, with most
of these improvements retained at follow-up. No such improvements were
noted in controls.
here to read this document.
Treatment of
Children with the Detoxification Method Developed by Hubbard. Presentation
at the 123rd Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association
Eighteen children from ten families were referred for
detoxification. Their chief complaints included environmental sensitivity,
headaches, chronic fatigue, allergies, respiratory problems and recurrent
infections. In each case, the entire family had become ill following a
known change (e.g., application of pesticides, installation of improperly
cured carpet) in their environment. The ages of the children ranged from
neonatal to 15 at the time of exposure, with treatment ages ranging from 4
to 21. Treatment resulted in improvements in symptom profiles, with at
least 89% of the children reporting long-term improvements in their
symptoms. Where children have become ill following chemical contamination,
treatment with the detoxification method developed by Hubbard is a viable
here to read this document.
Accidents and Emergency Care: Health Consequences for the Pramedic. Ambulance
Industry Journal. May/June, Vol. 9 No. 3
precautions are taken, often EMTs (Emergency Medical Technicians are
exposed to chemicals they know nothing about. Many of these are harmful
and can cause serious symptoms. It is essential that EMTs are made aware
of the symptoms of contamination and know how to prevent and treat
here to read this document.
Nightmare over for Narcotics Officers. The Journal. Winter Issue
enforcement officers involved in drug cases are sometimes exposed to
hazardous chemicals. The symptoms of these exposures can cause officers to
become unable to work or think. New studies show detoxification can rid
officers of a variety of symptoms.
here to read this document.
Hazards in Law Enforcement. Journal of California Law Enforcement.
Summer Vol. 18, No. 3
law enforcement officers are exposed to many hazardous materials. After
much exposure, the accumulations of chemicals cause symptoms which can
keep them from working. In studies, it has been shown that detoxification
removes PCP, allowing officers to return to work.
here to read this document.
Detoxification A Solution to Occupational Health Hazards? National
Safety News (May 1984)
More than 55,000 chemicals are now in commercial use, some 3,000
are deliberately added to food, and more than 700 are found in common
drinking water. There is no arguing the importance of protecting workers
and their families from potentially hazardous substances. The question of how
to resolve the problems that have developed as a result of man's
interaction with his chemical environment has brought a variety of
responses. There is no question that some of the chemicals have adverse
human health effects. Scientific research in recent years has shown a
relationship between the presence of foreign chemicals in human tissue and
an increased rate of cancer in those same tissues.
here to read this document.
Toxic Body Burdens Advancing in Innovative Techinque. Occupational
Health & Safety. Vol. 2, No. 4, (April
Rand Corporation study in 1984 estimated that by the year 2020, 75,000
American workers will have died as a result of asbestos related diseases.
By the end of the century, claims by victims of asbestos contamination may
cost the world insurance industry as much as $30 billion, according to
Lloyd's of London experts. By watching this scenario, many high risk
industries using toxic substances hope that they have no similar toxic
time bombs ticking away beneath their own corporate cornerstones.
here to read this document.
Millions Spent, Little Gained. Professional Counselor. Vol. 7, No.
(Dec. 1992)
abuse is a complex problem, and approaches to solving it have been as
varied as the faces of addiction itself. In the wake of rehabilitation
failures, law enforcement officials increasingly speak of the need for
harsh punishment of drug offenders, including first-time users. The
hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars being proposed for
pharmacotherapy addiction research will, to a large extent, define the
type of treatment available to the population in the immediate future.
Given the uncertain history of pharmacotherapy as a treatment for
addiction, the lack of responsible debate is inexcusable.
here to read this document.
of Human Organohalide Body Burdens: Final Research Report
With human exposure to ubiquitous environmental contaminants
inevitable despite the best application of environmental laws and
protection technologies, interest has grown in the potential to reduce the
levels of contamination carried in the human host. As the predominant
storage compartment within the human body is the fat, techniques have been
developed to mobilize fat stored contaminants and enhance their excretion
through metabolic and non-metabolic pathways. The study reported herein
presents data on the effectiveness of the Hubbard technique in reducing
body burdens of polychlorinated and polybrominated biphenyls (PCB's and
PBB'S) as well as chlorinated pesticides.
here to read this document.